
The Devi Ashram Prayer

  • Let me cherish those that God Cherishes

  • Let me forgive those that God forgives

  • Let me serve those that God serves

  • Let me love those that God loves

Divine Mother,

Divine Mother, I humbly ask for your guidance in serving you completely. Please provide me with all I need for this service and remove all that is unnecessary. I am dedicated to serving you wholeheartedly, and I trust your wisdom to guide me on this path.

Divine Mother,

You are the absolute without a second, and I know you dwell in my heart's innermost chamber. Although I cannot see or hear you, the fault is my own, yet I perceive you are there protecting, loving, and guiding me every breath I take. Even when I act like a petulant child, throwing a fit, you remain there, loving me and giving me whatever I need. I know you long to enfold me as much as I long to be embraced by you again, my Divine Mother. I know that You will give me the emancipation I crave, and when I have seen the brilliance of my Self, I will also behold the effulgence of You.  Divine Mother, empower me to pray to You that you relieve me from my self-created misery and bring me back home to your lap.

The Teach Me Prayer

  • Inner Dweller teach me how to be non-injurious in my thoughts, speech, and actions towards myself and my brothers and sisters.

  • Inner Dweller teach me how to be truthful to myself and my brothers and sisters.

  • Inner Dweller teach me how to give more than I take from my brothers and sisters.

  • Inner Dweller, teach me how to live a life of moderation.

  • Inner Dweller, teach me not to steal, covet, or misuse things from my brothers and sisters or the gifts I have received from the Divine.

  • Inner Dweller teach me how to treat others how I want to be treated.

The Give Me Strength Prayer

Inner Dweller, give me the strength to be non-injurious in my thoughts, words, and actions toward myself and all my brothers and sisters.

Inner Dweller give me the strength to be truthful to myself and to all my brothers and sisters.

Inner Dweller give me the strength to give more than I take from my brothers and sisters.

Inner Dweller, give me the strength to live a life of moderation.

Inner Dweller, give me the strength not to steal, covet, or misuse things from my brothers and sisters or the gifts I have received from the Divine.

Inner Dweller give me the strength to treat others how I want to be treated.

What is ownership? defines ownership as a legal right of possession or proprietorship.

  • With that as the definition

  • What do you own?

  • Your House

  • Your Car

  • Your Pet

  • Your Land

  • Your Mind

  • Your Intelligence

  • Your Life

  • Your Security

  • Your Health

This list could continue on and on and on, but I'm assuming you get the point.

If you own them, how can they be taken away easily and quickly?

You don't own anything; everything belongs to God Almighty. God has created the world for you to enjoy but not to possess and abuse.

Possessiveness is, in fact, a disease that can only be cured by practice.

Love Vs. Attachment

Consider this: God, in His neutrality, embodies love. And it is this love that grants us freedom. On the other hand, attachment, with its binding nature, leads us into a state of bondage.

Devotional Practice

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Divine Mother, the world is filled with chaos, and you are the creator of chaos and the giver of peace. So, I implore you to give us understanding and serenity. Please answer my prayer.

Divine Mother, fill me with understanding and serenity. Repeat this quietly to yourself 11 times.

Divine Mother, fill all beings in the universe with understanding and serenity. Repeat this to yourself 11 times.

Divine Mother, fill the universe with understanding and serenity

Repeat this quietly to yourself 11 times.

Divine Mother, fill all beings in all universes with understanding and serenity. Repeat this quietly to yourself 11 times.

Divine Mother, fill all the universes with understanding and serenity. Repeat this quietly to yourself 11 times.

We must start with ourselves. If we can have understanding, tranquility, and happiness, then others can as well, and we might see the day when Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, May all beings in all worlds be happy, happens.