

Traditional Yoga Society is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization based in Dayton, Ohio.

Thanks for stopping by our little corner of the web. It's lovely that you are here, spending time with us and being part of our little yoga community. We would love to see you more often, participating in the free lectures, online guided practices, free on-demand yoga classes, perusing the asana gallery, Sanskrit dictionary, or just finding a bit of inspiration. We would love to see you online, but if you are in Dayton, Ohio, or nearby, stop in or come in for class, lecture, meditation, service activity, or vegan potluck. We have a close-knit community and would love to see you as part of it, whether online or in person.

What does the word inspired mean? Feeling inspired to do something, not just to do something but to do something for the greater good, but also the feeling that you can and will do it. So, what does inspire have to do with Traditional Yoga Society? At TYS, we inspire folks to be better versions of themselves and thus make the earth a better place for all its inhabitants. We want to inspire all to love more and hate less. We do this by following the teachings of a living yoga tradition over 5,000 years old, which means we adhere to our practice in order to do our service activities with more awareness and love and without being attached to the fruits of our labors. TYS is a non-profit and depends on donations to continue what we do: to inspire us to be better humans. What do we do, you may ask; as our name says, we are traditional in our teachings, and being part of this tradition means service, but if you look at the great saints, sages, mystics, and teachers and all the teachings they told their students to serve.

Serving is paramount to us and is very much part of the practice. Yearly, we incorporate service activities and events that will enhance the lives of those participating. We offer free quarterly kirtans to Dayton, Ohio (which means space rental, advertising, and promotion, among other costs, to make these events happen). We adopt an inmate twice a year; each inmate we adopt sends us a wishlist, and we endeavor to fulfill the list up to $500.00 each; the only requirement is that the inmate has no support from the outside. TYS likes supporting other non-profits by buying items on their wishlists and participating in service events. We make bags for people experiencing homelessness to deliver in December. These are a few of our service activities. We want to increase these events next year. We want to add days when we provide free meals to people visiting or participating in events at the ashram. We want to support animal rescues by providing food for the animals in rescue and having more free events, such as a Mother's Day celebration for mothers who have lost a child or children, Thanksgiving Tofu Trot, a Christmas celebration for those that Christmas is not the most wonderful time of the year. We are committed to the environment and consider ourselves stewards of the land. We plant native perennials, trees, and shrubs to support nature. We are clearing and restoring land in Kentucky to create a space where people can camp, commune with nature, meditate, pray, contemplate, and heal. Doing these things requires money, and that is where you come in. Can you make a monthly donation to the Traditional Yoga Society that is fully tax-deductible, and no amount is too small, and of course, no amount is too large ;)?

If you are interested in making a monthly or one-time donation and want more information, don't hesitate to contact us at or follow the links below to set up your donation.

Your support and generosity are appreciated in helping us spread the message of love for all, excluding none.

Venmo: @Traditional_Yoga_Society

PayPal: Click here to donate via PayPal

Check donations can be mailed to:

Traditional Yoga Society
1387 Golf Street
Dayton, OH 45432

No donation is too small. We appreciate your support because it is you that keeps us doing what we do.

Let’s inspire the world together.