Traditional Yoga Society
Timeless Yoga Techniques To Attain A Direct Personal Relationship With God
Traditional Yoga Society is 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit organization in Dayton, Ohio.
We are formed and managed exclusively for spiritual, educational and beneficent goals. Our mission is to share knowledge of timeless yoga techniques to attain a direct personal relationship with God.
At TYS, we strongly adhere to the belief that brotherhood is universal and caring for Mother Earth lovingly and respectfully is paramount when treading the path of spirituality. We believe all human beings are living temples, and all are respected and welcomed at TYS. We follow the tenet of loving all and excluding none. Our goal is to serve all sentient beings (God is omniscient, which means all things are sentient beings.) Selflessly serving all is an expression of love when we do it with our thoughts, speech, and action.
All donations are tax deductible.
Many folks come to TYS and are not sure what TYS teaches or who HH Sri Swami Rama is. To make things easier for anyone interested in understanding who HH Sri Swami Rama is or what the philosophy that TYS (Traditional Yoga Society) stands for is, we invite you to read Our Tradition and the three books listed below. Whether you come to TYS or not, these three books have the potential to change your life and transform who you are. These three books give you a glimpse of HH Sri Swami Rama, the student, the scientist, the teacher, the humanitarian, the man who gave everything and never expected anything in return and taught that he was someone you could lean on but would teach you how to stand on your own two feet. Standing on two feet is the only way to stand, and yoga teaches you how to do that.
Are there inspiring stories found in these books? Yes
Are there amazing stories found in these books? Yes
Are there entertaining stories found in these books? Yes
But we must remember that our job is not to idolize him as a monument of a man (which he was) but to become fully human so that we, too, can step into our DIVINITY! Do the practice for yourself and see the transformation that occurs.
In closing, if you find these books of value, there are many other books written by HH Sri Swami Rama to help guide you. If you are looking for a spiritual community to be part of, TYS may be for you. Remember that when you open the doors to TYS, we adhere firmly to the teachings of the tradition we belong to and look to HH Sri Swami Rama as our guru and teacher via his books, lectures, and the work he is constantly doing behind the scenes.
HH Sri Swami Rama...
Inspirational Quotes
Love and attachment are two different things. Love means giving
selflessly, excluding none and including all. Attachment is possessing
something. In reality, it is bondage.
Do not search for God outside. God is already within you.
When you come to know that God dwells within you,
then your life will totally change, and you will be transformed.
The poor long for riches, the rich long for heaven, but the
wise long for a state of tranquility.
Fearlessness is also an essential prerequisite for attaining enlightenment. Great are those who are always fearless. Being completely free from all fears is one step on the path to enlightenment.
The mother of all problems and conflicts lies within you, and that is expecting things from others.
Visit our Inspiration Page for free Asana classes, an Asana gallery, a Sanskrit dictionary, free discussions on scriptures, and spiritual study.
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
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providing authentic yoga teachings from a living tradition
You are a creation of God, but happiness is your creation
HH Sri Swami Rama
Decide that no matter what happens, you will do what you set out to do
HH Sri Swami Rama