Embracing Transformation:
How Yoga Changed My Life and Can Change Yours
Life can take unexpected turns. You start on one path, thinking you know what you want, only to discover a more profound calling that changes everything; this is precisely what happened to me. For years, I worked as a teacher in a Crisis Stabilization Unit, surrounded by students facing immense challenges. It was a demanding job, but I felt a sense of purpose in helping those in need.
A Foot To Stand On- how asana help my recovery
Have you ever had a foot fracture and wondered how yoga can help? As a physical therapist, I see patients all the time and offer them yoga poses to help facilitate their healing and gain their range of motion back from various injuries or living a sedentary lifestyle. After a fall this year, I was able to use my advice on myself as I maneuvered through weeks of rehab. It gave me a greater understanding of how I have used yoga as a healing modality for others and how I used it for myself over the last several weeks of recovery, not just in terms of physical recovery but also in terms of emotional recovery.
The last few weeks have been intense; as it seems with life, there is always an ebbing and flowing, and this ebbing and flowing has been all about karma yoga, the yoga of action or work. The truth is karma yoga is much more than the yoga of action or work; one can work all day and perform actions all day mindlessly, go to bed the same person, and wake up the same person, but real karma yoga is about ego change, remember the soul never needs to change. Karma yoga is about doing our actions skillfully and joyfully, which puts a twist on everything because to think is actually to act.
Working With Lower Back Pain
How much of your day do you spend in flexion, such as leaning forward over the computer, sink, laundry, or steering wheel? To counteract that forward posture, let's talk about extension and backbends. One of the best exercises for this is bridge. My PT clinic teaches bridge to patients with low back pain. But it's all recycled yoga!