Asana on Demand

Welcome to traditional yoga classes on demand. We offer several free online on-demand yoga classes, or if you are in Ohio, say Dayton, Ohio, to be exact, stop in for an in-person yoga class. These classes are unique in many ways because here at Traditional Yoga Society, we believe very much in a practical approach to yoga. You should have a lifetime of yoga practice that will keep the body you are traveling in for years to come easeful, peaceful, and useful. Our approach is a functional system of yoga that will keep the body happy for years, whether you are taking classes from our online yoga classes or attending in person. It doesn't matter if you are starting on your yoga journey or have been traveling the yoga class scene for years; we are sure you will find these yoga classes on demand will complement your daily practice. These yoga classes may be challenging in many ways because we believe in working the entire body, not just the main muscle groups. Many of us are not accustomed to working for the smaller muscle groups, so it brings another layer to the practice. Here at Traditional Yoga Society, we like to feel strong in the body that we are traveling in, but we are by no means going for a set of 6-pack abs or what folks call a yoga ass; you may very well get them, but that is not the goal. We offer diverse classes catering to different needs and preferences, from strength and stretch to movement exploration. Here, you will find a small selection of our classes, each designed to bring a unique experience to your yoga journey. You will find classes that improve your strength, flexibility, mobility, and emotional and spiritual awareness. You will also find that we incorporate pranayama practices into our classes, as the breath or prana is the link between the body and mind. If you take nothing else away from Traditional Yoga Society, incorporate the four NOs of breathing, and you will find your life changing in beautiful ways. The four NOs make no sounds when you breathe, have no jerks or pauses, and extend the breath so there is no shallow breathing. Practice focused breathing while doing your asana, sitting quietly for practice, and while at a red light; when life throws a curveball, it does not matter where; do it!

Yoga students at the Traditional Yoga Society write all our class descriptions. These yoga enthusiasts have experienced the class firsthand, and their descriptions explain the class from their vantage point. We hope you find them insightful. We encourage you to check back regularly, as we constantly update and add new classes.

Remember that yoga asana is a physical practice. It improves flexibility, strength, and balance but also requires these. You should consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new fitness regimes, including yoga. If you have injuries, physical limitations, or health conditions, contact your physician before starting any physical practice. The on-demand yoga classes or any information on this website are not a substitute for professional medical advice, not a diagnosis or a treatment. You should always seek the advice of qualified healthcare professionals or your physician. All physical activity involves risk, and results from the practice vary from individual to individual. By participating in Traditional Yoga Society's on-demand yoga classes, you acknowledge that you are participating at your own risk and release Traditional Yoga Society from all liabilities from your participation. You can stop anytime you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Enjoy the practice, but honor where you are on the journey.

You may find the classes challenging physically as well as spiritually. The classes are full of the richness of yoga philosophy. Yoga teaches us how to be and gives us all the tools to accomplish that goal. In the Traditional Yoga Society classes, you will hear stories from the Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and Yoga Sutras, to name a few. If you went to church and they never discussed the bible, you would be confused, so why should you expect to go to a yoga class and never discuss the spiritual component of yoga? At Traditional Yoga Society, they go hand in hand. If you don't want God brought into your yoga classes, you will not enjoy these classes because they will challenge you with hard spiritual questions and hard asanas during class. It does not matter if you are enjoying our yoga classes on demand or attending one of our yoga classes here in quaint Dayton, Ohio. The goal is the same: to become a better person. What does that mean, you ask? It means that you can handle life more lovingly and learn how to do your duties joyfully, and that can only happen if you take the hard road of self-inquiry.

This is the final asana class in celebration of Guru Purnima in 2024, with a focus on the hips and legs and heavy utilization of the yoga strap, so be prepared! The slow start focusing on controlling the breath sets the tone for the beginning of class, allowing us to check in on ourselves, but the practice ramps up with some pretty intense stretching involving the lower half of the body. You’ll really feel it in the hips when you finish! Throughout class, Ranjani also highlights the lesser-known ways lying can cause harm and how practicing honesty can be a wholly challenging but incredibly uplifting pursuit. At the end of class a guided meditation is provided which follows the same systematic approach as the other guided meditations throughout this week. Do you notice any differences within yourself with this practice's meditation when compared with the others?


This class focuses on Hip stretching and strength with a few back-bending poses, core strengthening and twists. Have you considered that your thoughts go around the world? They can create peace or war. They can affect someone miles away, and oceans away. Your thoughts influence those around you and you influence others. Consider carefully who you spend time with. What you think you become. Notice if your thoughts are in harmony with your speech and action. My personal thought, as I was going to class after a long busy day at work was: Don’t wait to practice - tomorrow is not promised. You will likely feel more relaxed after this class and more peaceful overall. This class concludes with a guided meditation. Lisa

For this practice, it is recommended that you have props such as blocks, a strap and a bolster/blanket as they will be utilized throughout this class. Since we are celebrating Guru Purnima this week, we are encouraged to examine all aspects of our practice including pranayama, asana, meditation. We celebrate the teacher outside of ourselves as well as the teacher within ourselves; we access this through our practice. Class begins with extended pranayama, striving to still the breath, the body and the mind. Throughout the practice, we are gently reminded to check in with the breath. Has it remained smooth, even and quiet? Has the mind remained present? The entire body is challenged from upper body stabilization on blocks to standing poses on blocks, all the while activating the core. Upper extremity resisted work is incorporated with use of straps as well as with variations of twists! Don’t be discouraged if you experience the DOMS!! Throughout class Ranjani also reminds us of the importance of svadhyaya (self study) especially during this week of recommitment. How much effort, dedication, consistency and sincerity do we give our practice? Class concludes with savasana followed by a systematic guided meditation from this tradition. Jai Gurudeva💜 Linda

This class starts with some quieting and calming breath work. The majority of the asanas focused on the core but worked the whole body as well the mind. The message was one of rigorous self examination, honesty and sincerity in our practice and life. Reminding us how fortunate we are to have this life and teachers to help show us the way. Joel

This class is for you if you have been dealing with low back pain, as I have. Doing poses with a block between the thighs allowed the body to feel a release in the back and press in the legs. Then laying on the back, making a c-shape with the body at the end, was pure magic, the cherry on top. I have been having low back pain, and this class was a great way to stretch and work on what was needed. Rae

Grab your props! This 30-minute class gets you stretching and strengthening with a unique use of props. There is a netra vyayamam practice, which gets the eyes and brain working together, and then we stretch the lower body and work the legs. 


In this class, we stretch out the legs, lower back, and hips to release emotions in the body. Ranjani discusses ways to study the body to learn more about ourselves and our natural tendencies to create more balance. You may find props helpful in this class, but they are not required. 


Get ready for a great all-around stretch. You will stretch out the shoulders, hips, quads, and spine, even sneaking in a bit of twisting! Have your props nearby; we use them for the whole class. If you don’t have any props, grab a tie, books, and pillows, or modify the poses to make the poses and class lucrative for you!


A yoga session with Ranjani Powers is always more than poses. You must give it your full attention and commitment to fully benefit from the practice. She exhorts us to apply this same dedication to our daily lives. Today, Ranjani asked us: How did your day go? Do you move forward with purpose and determination, or watch it go by? As the class progresses, you realize you are being physically and mentally challenged on your mat. You will be thinking of this class long after stepping off the mat. For this class, you may need a blanket and blocks. It is an overall tonic for the body. 


This class is terrific if you want something for the upper and middle back. It gets into spaces and releases those spaces. The core work snuck up on me; I almost didn't notice until I started shaking and almost lost the pose. A bonus of strengthening and stretching the outer hips always leaves me feeling fantastic.


Join us as we work on bringing awareness and energy into the ankles and feet! Did you know the health of the feet is an indicator of the health of the organs? We should have the same dexterity on our feet as we do our hands. Ranjani leads us through some slow stretches for the lower body and then we use some props to work on strengthening.


This class, also featuring a special guest, is a calm class with the majority of the poses seated on the ground. The focus of this class is to open up the upper body, especially the front of the shoulders and pecs. As always, the class ends with a guided meditation and relaxation practice.

As usual, this class starts with guided breathwork. It then moves into a short segment of twists, before approaching the rest of the class. The bulk of the content in this class is for opening up the lower body, and it utilizes blocks and a wall for various poses.

This active class starts with a lot of breathwork and kriyas. If the kriyas don’t get you fatigued in the first half of the class, the second half definitely will with isometric wall sits. Lastly, the class finishes with light stretching and a relaxation practice.

This class, featuring a special guest, is great for upper body mobility. Included are bridges and poses such as eagle pose to open up the chest and mobilize creaky shoulders. This class uses a lot of strap work, so make sure to have one handy.

This class is a difficult class involving complex positions such as bridges, side bridges, twists, and forward folds. This will challenge all aspects of your practice, and is a great all-around class. As always, breathwork at the beginning and end of the class is included.

Following the opening breathwork, this class will challenge the strength of your muscles with static holds such as bridges, and chair poses. Sprinkled in between the static holds are stretches to create space in joints and soothe fatigued muscles. The focus of this class is strength in uncomfortable positions, yet it incorporates flexibility and mobility as well.

This calm, relaxing, class is great for someone needing to destress or quiet a cluttered mind. Incorporating prolonged, forward-lying poses, moderate twists, and stretches for your hamstrings, this class eases you through a soothing two hours, leaving you feeling better than when you started.

This class will challenge all aspects of your practice. Following the opening breathwork, the class utilizes straps to open up the lower body. Then, your balance and coordination will be challenged through unique holds and twists. This is an all-around class that will highlight the parts of your practice in need
of more work.

This class is great for someone looking to open up their lower body and create space in their hips and knees. Following the opening breathwork, the class immediately jumps into back-lying stretches using straps and blocks. The class continues to focus on lower body stretches to increase mobility.

This class starts with guided breathwork and forward folds. Following those are many twists and kriyas to open up the midsection. This class covers the entire body, and ends with a guided relaxation practice. This class does not require any additional equipment.

This class involves many twists that will open up the hips, glutes, and lower back. Side bends and forward folds are also included to increase the flexibility of the core and hamstrings. The main focus of this class is overall mobility.


This class starts with a guided pranayama, followed by a kriya for the heart, then a kriya for the lymph nodes. After moving the body with these kriyas, the class covers stretches for the whole body. This class involves every part of the body; have blocks and a supporting wall if available, you may need them.


This class involves many twists that will open up the hips, glutes, and lower back. Side bends and forward folds are also included to increase the flexibility of the core and hamstrings. The main focus of this class is overall mobility.


This class starts by mobilizing the entire back and activating the core with quadruped positions. Afterward, delve into leg strengthening and stretching movements with dynamic and static holds. Lastly, this class ends by opening up the entire body with various twists, seated

stretches, and standing stretches. This class involves the whole body, so be prepared!


This class starts with dynamic but controlled movements to strengthen the upper body, emphasizing the scapular retractors, triceps, and shoulders. Afterward, cool down and stretch those worked muscles with the second half of this class!


This class is excellent for opening up the lower body, specifically the hamstrings and hips. Also included are quadruped positions that activate your core and standing positions to challenge your stability and further open your lower body. Lastly, the class ends with twists and poses to increase flexibility in your lower back and body before concluding with a relaxation practice.


This class starts with dynamic movements and kriyas that involve the entire body’s strength and mobility. Towards the end of the class, static holds for balance and lower body flexibility are included, followed by breathwork and meditation.


This class is slightly more intense. Side-leaning stretches, deep lunges, and twists will challenge your back mobility, hip mobility, core strength, and triceps strength. Please be prepared to use blocks, straps, and a supporting wall if available.


As Ranjani says at the beginning, this class focuses on work for the lungs and surrounding areas. Back mobility and breath work are the main focus of this class, and they include many flexion and extension movements for the back. Kriyas in this class emphasized back mobility while challenging your breathing during them.


This calming class focuses intensely on the usually neglected features of our bodies. It includes eye work, hand-eye coordination, back and shoulder movements, and focused breathing. Embrace the power of the So Hum mantra in this extraordinary hour. Liam

This rigorous class covers nearly the entire body. This class will challenge your core, arm strength, and ankle, hip, and thoracic back mobility. Breathwork is included throughout the hour, leaving your whole body limber and rejuvenated. Liam

This class utilizes numerous side bends and twists to loosen the torso and supporting muscles. It also covers poses for the lower body, especially for tight hips. If your core is feeling tight, this is the class for you!
