Join us as we work on bringing awareness and energy into the ankles and feet! Did you know the health of the feet is an indicator of the health of the organs? We should have the same dexterity on our feet as we do our hands. Ranjani leads us through some slow stretches for the lower body and then we use some props to work on strengthening.


This class is terrific if you want something for the upper and middle back. It gets into spaces and releases those spaces. The core work snuck up on me; I almost didn't notice until I started shaking and almost lost the pose. A bonus of strengthening and stretching the outer hips always leaves me feeling fantastic.


This class is for you if you have been dealing with low back pain, as I have. Doing poses with a block between the thighs allowed the body to feel a release in the back and press in the legs. Then laying on the back, making a c-shape with the body at the end, was pure magic, the cherry on top. I have been having low back pain, and this class was a great way to stretch and work on what was needed.


Grab your props! This 30-minute class gets you stretching and strengthening with a unique use of props. There is a netra vyayamam practice, which gets the eyes and brain working together, and then we stretch the lower body and work the legs. 


In this class, we stretch out the legs, lower back, and hips to release emotions in the body. Ranjani discusses ways to study the body to learn more about ourselves and our natural tendencies to create more balance. You may find props helpful in this class, but they are not required. 


Get ready for a great all-around stretch. You will stretch out the shoulders, hips, quads, and spine, even sneaking in a bit of twisting! Have your props nearby; we use them for the whole class. If you don’t have any props, grab a tie, books, and pillows, or modify the poses to make the poses and class lucrative for you!


A yoga session with Ranjani Powers is always more than poses. You must give it your full attention and commitment to fully benefit from the practice. She exhorts us to apply this same dedication to our daily lives. Today, Ranjani asked us: How did your day go? Do you move forward with purpose and determination, or watch it go by? As the class progresses, you realize you are being physically and mentally challenged on your mat. You will be thinking of this class long after stepping off the mat. For this class, you may need a blanket and blocks. It is an overall tonic for the body. 


This class starts with pranayama and then delves into numerous hip-opening and lower-back stretches. Also included are core strengthening poses and balance work to keep us stable. As always, the class consists of thought-provoking discourse throughout and mediation at the end.


This rigorous class covers nearly the entire body. This class will challenge your core, arm strength, and ankle, hip, and thoracic back mobility. Breathwork is included throughout the hour, leaving your whole body limber and rejuvenated.


This calming class focuses intensely on the usually neglected features of our bodies. It includes eye work, hand-eye coordination, back and shoulder movements, and focused breathing. Embrace the power of the So Hum mantra in this extraordinary hour.


As Ranjani says at the beginning, this class focuses on work for the lungs and surrounding areas. Back mobility and breath work are the main focus of this class, and they include many flexion and extension movements for the back. Kriyas in this class emphasized back mobility while challenging your breathing during them.


This class is slightly more intense. Side-leaning stretches, deep lunges, and twists will challenge your back mobility, hip mobility, core strength, and triceps strength. Please be prepared to use blocks, straps, and a supporting wall if available.


This class starts with dynamic movements and kriyas that involve the entire body’s strength and mobility. Towards the end of the class, static holds for balance and lower body flexibility are included, followed by breathwork and meditation.


This class is excellent for opening up the lower body, specifically the hamstrings and hips. Also included are quadruped positions that activate your core and standing positions to challenge your stability and further open your lower body. Lastly, the class ends with twists and poses to increase flexibility in your lower back and body before concluding with a relaxation practice.


Here at TYS, we believe in a practical approach to yoga that will keep the body happy for years to come. We like to strengthen and stretch as well as explore the full range of movement we have at the present moment and work on expanding it. Here, you will find a small selection of our classes.

All class descriptions were written by a yoga student who took the class. We hope you enjoy and check back often as we constantly update and add new classes.